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[端游单机下载] 《高地轻歌(A Highland Song)》V1.0.30-P2P|官方英文|容量700MB


 成长值: 720

  • TA的每日心情

    2024-3-8 00:13
  • 签到天数: 4 天




    ID : 3


    积分成就 威望 : 0
    贡献 : 0
    杰币 : 10469
    在线时间 : 21 小时
    注册时间 : 2022-1-8
    最后登录 : 2024-3-10

    发表于 2024-3-8 15:32:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Works beautifully on Steam Deck!

    We're still waiting for Valve to officially verify A Highland Song for Steam Deck, but we've designed it from the ground up to work perfectly there. So if that's your preferred platform, you're in for a treat!

    Moira McKinnon is running away.

    To reach the sea, Moira must first cross the Scottish Highlands—a wilderness of paths, peaks, shortcuts, dangers, and song.


    Climb peaks to orient yourself and plan your next steps. Spelunk caves, scale cliffs, jump from rock to rock and slide down scree slopes as you make your way forward.


    Wind, rain and cold are your enemies. Moira is no superhero, and the Highlands are not to be underestimated. Shelter to survive.


    Collect and position 100 map fragments to discover faster routes. The hills are crisscrossed with paths: some well-trodden, others hidden away.


    Learn the stories and the secrets of the hills, which are filled with lost things, echoes, and memories.

    Rhythm runs

    Skip and jump through the valleys to the incredible music of TALISK and Fourth Moon. The landscape itself forms itself around the shape of the music.


    Get ready to make the journey more than once, because a single trip isn't nearly enough to discover the Highlands' deepest secrets.

    The Story

    Moira McKinnon has never seen the sea.

    For fifteen years she’s lived with her mum in a small house on the edge of the Scottish Highlands—then one day she receives a letter from her Uncle Hamish urging her to come to the coast. If she can reach his lighthouse in time, a wonderful surprise will be waiting...

    And so, Moira runs away.

    The hills are full of secrets and stories, but what you find will depend on where you go. The narrative is not branching but weaving; a mesh of history, mythology and family secrets. What truths will you discover?

    The World

    In the Highlands, every peak has a story to tell and every valley echoes with song. Giants sleep, ghosts sing, crows carry messages, and eagles lift the dead.

    But the Highlands’ crags are unforgiving and its summits are cold—Moira’s trek will not be easy.

    Can you help her find a way across this winding wilderness in time?

    The Music of the Highlands

    A Highland Song’s soundtrack is composed by Laurence Chapman alongside two multi-award-winning giants of the Scottish folk scene, TALISK and Fourth Moon. Royalty of the festival circuit, these two bands combine virtuosic instrumental playing with fast, inventive rhythms, to produce new tunes in traditional styles played with beauty, energy and swagger.展开阅读收起介绍 最低配置:

    需要 64 位处理器和操作系统 操作系统 *: Windows 7 or later 处理器: SSE2 instruction set support 内存: 8 GB RAM 显卡: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7850, 2+ Gb of vram 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间 推荐配置:

    需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
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