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[端游单机下载] 《异星前哨(Alien Marauder)》BUILD 11744011官中繁体 容量9.3GB


 成长值: 720

  • TA的每日心情

    2024-3-8 00:13
  • 签到天数: 4 天




    ID : 3


    积分成就 威望 : 0
    贡献 : 0
    杰币 : 10469
    在线时间 : 21 小时
    注册时间 : 2022-1-8
    最后登录 : 2024-3-10

    发表于 2024-3-8 15:44:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    关于这款游戏 2672年,地球资源枯竭,人类派出探险队探索宇宙寻找新生命。然而,他们遭遇了Vexan的入侵,并不可避免地卷入了与Vexan群体的战争中。



    游戏继承了经典RTS玩法,集生存模拟和即时策略于一体。玩家将以上帝视角建造自己的基地,并不断管理和发展自己的军队。他们必须在 Vexan 群突然或猛烈的攻击面前求生存。



    ● 5张具有独特规则和显示的地图,例如白天和黑夜、模拟天气系统和传送门。
    ● 超过20种战斗单位,包括医疗兵、全能坦克、守卫、刽子手,每种单位都有独特的属性和效果。
    ● 超过60种天赋技能,包括建筑加成、英雄专属能力、单位强化等,提供无尽的挑战。
    ● 梦魇双足飞龙、电蜥蜴、Vexan Colony等超过70种外星人怪物,敌人超乎想象。


    In the year 2672, Earth's resources were depleted, and humanity sent expeditions to explore the universe in search of new life. However, they encountered an Vexan invasion and were inevitably drawn into a war with the Vexan swarm.

    "Alien Marauder" is a science fiction survival RTS game that combines elements of real-time strategy, simulation management, large-scale battles, hero growth, and roguelike gameplay. Players must build their own basement, constantly develop technology and population, and build an impregnable defense perimeter around the base and its surroundings. At the same time, they must be constantly vigilant and resist the Vexan attacks that come from all sides until they are finally destroyed.

    The game inherits classic RTS gameplay and integrates survival simulation and real-time strategy. Players will build their base from a god's eye view and continue to manage and develop their army. They must seek survival in the face of the sudden or fierce attacks of the Vexan swarm.

    Each hero has completely different gameplay and strategies, and unique units, buildings, and skill trees! Whether it's long-range consumption, close-range burst, or cooperative combat, there are various routines to suit your taste! Beware of Gavius's hero flame impact!

    The game can accommodate up to 100,000 combat units on the same screen without lag! Faced with tens of thousands of Vexan swarms, use effective strategies and reasonable planning to fight back, launch deadly attacks, and completely destroy the enemy, achieving an ultimate sense of satisfaction!

    The game content is rich, with various combinations of strategies for different situations, and more than one way to win!
    ● 5 maps with unique rules and display, such as day and night, simulated weather system and teleportation gates.
    ● Over 20 combat units, including Medic, Omni Tank, Guard, and Executioner, each with unique attributes and effects.
    ● Over 60 talent skills, including building bonuses, hero-specific abilities, and unit enhancements, providing endless challenges.
    ● Over 70 monster aliens, including Nightmare Wyvern, Electric Lizard, Vexan Colony, with enemies beyond imagination.

    Hundreds of model components can be freely used in the editor, with a wide range of preset functions for designing gameplay, missions, maps, events, and more.
    The creative workshop supports one-click upload synchronization of editor maps and various mods can also be uploaded!

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