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[端游单机下载] 《模拟人生3终极版/The Sims 3》v1.67|含全DLCs|容量55GB|官方繁体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|赠嘿嘿助手.主控制器|赠22GB容量MOD


 成长值: 730

  • TA的每日心情

    2024-3-8 00:13
  • 签到天数: 4 天




    ID : 3


    积分成就 威望 : 0
    贡献 : 0
    杰币 : 10476
    在线时间 : 21 小时
    注册时间 : 2022-1-8
    最后登录 : 2024-3-10

    发表于 2024-3-8 16:46:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    Create the lives you've always wanted!
    Ready to live a freer, more creative life? In The Sims™ 3, you can let your fantasies run wild as you design your ideal world. Start with your Sim, refining each shape, color and personality trait until you get the precise person that pleases you. Design your dream home, but don’t let a grid limit you; place, rotate and stack furniture and walls freely and to your heart’s content.
    Once the “hard work” is over, it’s time to be a mentor. Guide your Sim’s path through life, developing a career, finding love, and pursuing dreams and desires. Spending time with friends and family is just as important as mastering painting or accumulating knowledge.
    Take things to the next level and record movies of your Sim’s adventures and share them with the ever-growing and thriving community. With a huge catalog of expansion packs and fun objects to discover, there is no end to the possibilities awaiting you. It all begins here; your adventure awaits!

    Key Features Customize Your Sim: Mix and match a vast range of facial features and body types to get the look you want. Infuse your Sim with personality traits and help realize their dreams. Stage Your Own Extreme Makeover: Decorate your Sim’s home however you want, neat or messy. Use odd angles, create tall stacks of items, and apply your favorite self-made pattern to the walls and floors. Range From the Home: Get out of the house and explore the lively and entertaining neighborhood for the first time. Be a part of the larger online community! 展开阅读收起介绍 最低配置:

    系统: Windows XP (Service Pack 2) 或者 Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) 处理器: (XP) 2.0 GHz P4 或同等处理器; (Vista) 2.4 GHz P4 或同等处理器 内存: (XP) 1 GB; (Vista) 1.5 GB 显卡: 128 MB 显存 支持 Pixel Shader 2.0 DirectX®: 可用硬盘空间: 至少 6.5 GB 可用空间 以及用于自定义内容的 1 GB 额外空间 集成显卡:Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA X3000 或更高。

    2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, 或者 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo 同等处理器
    0.5 GB 额外内存

    支持的显卡:Nvidia GeForce 系列: FX5900 或更好, G100, GT 120, GT 130, GTS 150, GTS 250, GTX 260, GTX 275, GTX 280, GTX 285, GTX 295; ATI Radeon™ 系列: ATI Radeon 9500 系列, X300, X600, X700, X800, X850, X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3450, 3650, 3850, 3870, 4850, 4870 系列 或更好; Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA): GMA 3-Series, GMA 4-Series

    *请注意 GeForce 6100 和 7100 显卡不受支持


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